Marine Bio

Major Description: A career in the marine sciences starts with an education that puts you in the water. The University of New England’s School of Marine Programs educates you to become the next generation of coastal leaders as informed citizens, stewards, scientists, business leaders, and policymakers. We offer you constant hands-on interaction in a variety of marine environments, internships, and state-of-the-art research facilities so you don’t just learn marine science — you do marine science.

My Description: The ocean covers 70% of our planet. It provides us with everything we need to survive and prosper. Learning about the ocean enables us to save it. UNE creates policymakers, business leaders, scientists, and informed citizens that are passionate about the ocean and understand the importance of environmental stewardship.

What I learned: I learned about all marine animals, from the microscopic animals to blue whales. I learned about the foundation of the ocean and how every little animal has importance. I love the ocean, and this class makes me want to learn more. It frustrates me when I don’t understand a concept, but I have a very supportive class when I do struggle. The biggest thing I took away from this class is that the ocean gives us so much. It is so full of life and we need to do everything we can to protect it.

My Project: 

Lab presentation

Phytoplankton Article
